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How to Add Quickly to Ms.excel

Posted by Tehyun on Thursday, January 4, 2018

            Counting is not a fun thing for those who do not like calculations. Moreover, if the calculated data that sangta lot would make dizzy even to use the calculator was still dizzy and confused kadag there are missing numbers and there are double numbers included in the calculator. Of course it will make the data invalid.

            In connection with that, we can add up easily and quickly using Ms.excel. Summing up using Ms.excel must be straightforward to imagine the formulas we have to input and that's enough to make you dizzy and reluctant to use them. But do not worry this time we will focus to try to add up the data by using Ms.Excel without using or entering the formula first. What data is meant? For example student value data, data from the scales etc. chicken.

            How to Calculate Quickly in Ms.excel without formula will be exposed in the following points.

1. Open ms.excel

2. Create a table by block and click the border

3. Fill in the data you want to add in a sideline down or down to you

4. If the data streaks down then the whole data block is down

5. And click the auto sum-select menu sum

6. The amount of your data is already known

       The description is How to Sum Up Quickly in Ms.excel without formulas written based on limited experience and personal abilities. Therefore, the reader may have another way of Summing Up Fast in Ms.excel without formulas.
 Thank you and good luck to succeed J

Thanks for reading & sharing Tehyun

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